Sunday 12 May 2013

Starting again

So, I'm starting a new blog. I should probably warn anyone reading this that I don't have the best record of keeping a blog going for more than, well, about five minutes. Maybe a week, if you're (un)lucky.

I'm starting this blog because, as I posted on google+ the other day, I've decided I need a new project to counter the boredom and general fed-up-ness (yep, made up words/ dodgy creative grammar usage are also  bad habits of mine), so I'm going to try and do more creative things, and blog about them.

Today, I made a cake :)

Lynda's Lemon Drizzle Cake Instructions

  • 6oz caster sugar
  • 6oz margarine
  • 6oz self raising flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • Lemon natural extract/ essence (about 5/6 capfuls I think)
  • Lemon juice (a few slugs)
  • Icing sugar (4/5 tablespoons)
  1. Beat sugar and marg together until creamy.
  2. Add one third of the flour and one egg (minus shell) and mix in. Repeat with the rest of flour and eggs.
  3. Whisk until light and creamy.
  4. Stick finger in mixture and lick just to check it tastes ok. Repeat until you run out of fingers.
  5. Go wash hands. Repeat step 4 and wash hands again.
  6. Stir in lemon extract. Taste it again. Lick the mixture off the whisk beaters. Wipe cake mix off nose.
  7. Shove the whole mix into a loaf-sized greaseproof paper case. Scrape bowl with spatula. Lick spatula.
  8. Cook in the over for half an hour at about 180ish.
  9. Check cake and realise it's not properly cooked and shove back in for another 15 minutes-ish.
  10. Sit down in front of telly. Get confused when oven alarm coincides with a bank robbery on the television, and you can't work out why the bank's alarm is still going off when the programme changes to another scene. Realise your mistake, swear and dash to the kitchen in a fit of giggles.
  11. Remove cake from oven.
  12. Mix lemon juice with icing sugar. Shove in microwave a couple of times for 20 seconds to melt the sugar in because you're too lazy to warm it in a saucepan. Drizzle over the top of the cake whilst still warm.
  13. Allow to cool.
  14. Eat cake :D

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